
Night With The Stars

I have always wondered about how big the universe actually is and what happens up there, will I ever be able to find answers?! Sometimes I spend my time trying to know more and understand the facts and having a stargazing experience has helped me take a step further. Well, I still consider myself a newbie but I genuinely love seeing my progress.

Here, at a stargazing session, I got to know some amazing facts and was truly mesmerised by them, a big thank you to the Amateur Astronomers Group.

Words can’t do justice to how amazing the night sky looked. It’s the most beautiful thing to watch.

Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are! Up above the world soo high, like a diamond in the sky! I was literally fortunate enough to experience this rhyme.

I’ve heard that the moon has the capability to absolutely captivate anyone. Many a times while taking my evening walks, I find myself spellbound by its beauty and I have to stop in my tracks to admire it. Being a part of this event has helped me to acknowledge the scenic view more closely and I couldn’t be more thankful.

When we look at the night sky, we can see millions of bright spots. Stars are celestial bodies emitting their own lights and there are millions of stars emitting their own beautiful lights – what an experience! Literally surreal.

And yes, I know what you’re thinking; I did make a wish.

When it’s a night out and you’re with some like-minded people, bonfire is something that is mandatory. So, light a campfire and be a storyteller! Because when it’s dark, one should definitely look for the stars.

Some places, some people, some moments and some experiences are life changing! They remain forever close to the hearts.. The vibe became more amazing with some soothing voices around.

I wouldn’t mind spending the nights stargazing and add those moments to my memory for life. The night sky is a therapy, one can use this time to lie back and relax. I feel it will be worth it since dark skies and stargazing sessions are an excellent form of escapism.

When I captured a view from my tent, it made me think that our subconscious is kind of our creative ideas factory, home to our innovative and playful spirit. Looking up at the sky – totally being in the moment – brings a sense of enlightenment and peace. This is exactly when our imagination can roam free and go beyond the limitations our brain often imposes on our thoughts.

We all have had some of our best ideas in the shower, just before we drift off to sleep at night, or even behind the wheel when we are stuck in a traffic jam. I have read somewhere that it is down to our conscious mind quietening down and leaving room for our subconscious mind to step into play.

And while thinking about all the possible means of understanding Pleiades, Nebula, types of stars and everything that I have learnt during the session conveyed through some facts and others by storytelling, I didn’t realize when it was dawn.

The cool breeze, fresh air and the warmth of the rising sun made me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

I couldn’t get a hold of myself but captured a scenic view that literally made me realize how beautiful the nature is..

The Amateur Astronomers Group made a wonderful arrangement that enhanced the experience of the event. The food was a treat and I was so indulged that unfortunately, I forgot to click a picture. However, here are some clicks of the camp that are worth revisiting, precisely not just the pictures, but also the event.

A panoramic view of the campsite.. and yours truly..

A special shout-out to the weapons of choice! It’s seriously mind bending how far we can look with them.

So now it’s a wrap

Everyone together – say “Veeeeennnnuuuusssss”!!

And a beautiful memory got captured.

When one journey ends, they say, another begins. I wish I continue to experience more of such happenings, as I look forward to life.

P.S. – It’s okay to be lost looking at the stars, but don’t forget the lights within you.


The Wassup Flea

My entry to “The Wassup Flea” was like…

The Wassup Flea makes you groove with live concerts, get you on shopping spree, indulge you in lip smacking food and the rest you gotta experience yourself someday. In all, it’s all about Eat, Drink, Dance and have a super amazing time.

Here, sharing a few moments – a blast of colours, The Wassup Flea is the place to be at!

Putting up with the food cravings, if you can’t choose one, you can choose them all.. they have got the comfort food, desserts all at one place. Hot sizzling Momos and the stage! Throwback to the crazy times.

Let the light shine through ????????

It was crazy with a bigger, better space armed with literally 100+ quirky and funky pop up shops, fusion food from some talented home chefs and unique craft beers and drinks with a truckload of new things, positive vibes and an ultimate chiller.

Shopping is always a good idea, a quick glimpse of shops with uniquely designed apparels, accessories and other cool products. Creative, funky, quirky, artistic, bizarre and things we rarely find at a store is all about Wassup Flea.

Sometimes the most productive thing you can do is relax. You agree, right?

Some of the captured expressions that literally say out loud; when I am full of heart watching something, when I am actually thinking what to choose and order from the food counter and lastly, when someone says “smile” when they’re ready to click a picture. Because ultimately, life is better when you are all smiling and happy.

Colourful Parasols at The Wassup Flea. Lots of interesting things to buy, reminds me a little of the good old days.

A wild soul with a tender heart. Here, I am trying to strike a pose. It was a funn gig and super cool vibes.

Love.Shop.Eat.Dance and Repeat!! Boho Vibes check with the bundle of energy.

When you’re happy and you know it..Dance? Buckle your shoes and just get ready.

That moment when you know everyone is connected. It’s time to put up the dancing shoes onn and loosen yourself to be in the moment.

A perfect event to shop, chill and enjoy good music along with some scrumptious food. It was a place full of eventful and magical time to spend. I feel, something that has never been so fine.

A Beautiful Evening

Yes!! Life includes hard decisions, cold words, disappointments, sadness, goodbyes, despair but luckily also good people and the beautiful evenings that help escape all of these.

An evening that I really enjoyed, it was real and flowing with good vibes and energy that made time better and better, nothing less than excellent. The highlight was my favourite series of songs that were played.

Here sharing some wonderful excerpts…

A beautiful evening attending the live acoustic set, from some amazing live performances to heaps of eating options…it was great!

Also, when there is a surprise in between it’s a cherry on top and so the kind of feel that you get when…

It’s a mechanized – Woooooooooohoooooo!!!! ????

Ahmm Ahmm!

Here comes – Nimbu Pani!

Certainly because if you obey all the rules, you miss all the fun ????

⬇ This is my absolute favorite, pure gold vibes and a complete treat ????

???? It’s that time of the year for giving and having fun and so here I pose with wings on my sleeves, ready to fly and being the witchy fairy ????

When things get hard, take a moment from your busy schedule and try finding your little own happiness in all the blessings that the moment has showered upon.

Sometimes, all one needs is just a great evening! ♥️

Trek To Remember

Everyone wants to experience the top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you are climbing it…and guess what, I started the journey and acknowledged the same????

They say there are no shortcuts to any place worth going and the trek to a beautiful place has literally helped me to mark this experience, with no trekking shoes but with a supportive pair of sandals in downpour???? (consequences of unplanned treks, I tell you!) and that was an another adventure altogether.

Come ooooonnnnnnnnn!! Walk a little more…????????‍♀️

I used to paint these kinda stuffs in childhood, now experiencing the very same in real life, found this scenic beauty and just decided to pose ????

Actually it’s nature itself that creates the most beautiful pictures, I’m only choosing the perspective????????‍♀️

I am quoting the pledge I made there – fighting back tears, I promise to switch years. Calm down and enjoy nature (This is a special appreciation picture for my savage sandals)????

⛰ Mountains know secrets we need to learn,

That it might take time,

That it might be hard,

But if you just hold on long enough,

You will find the strength to rise up????

In this moment, there is no anxiety, no depression, no regrets and no worries. In this moment, there is peace, there is power, there is beauty and just love ????

Sometimes you just have to surrender to the flow…respect nature, nature is indeed beautiful! ☘️

This trek compelled me to tell everyone that believe in yourself, take on your challenges, dig deep within yourself to conquer fears. Never let anyone bring you down. You gotta keep going✌????

Note To My Mother On Her Birthday

When I count my blessings, I count you twice. A million magic wishes on your special day for being soo nice????


Your just one look ???? saying “स्मिता” is enough to make me act on the spur of the moment????

Thank you for being soo patient and understanding while constantly consoling me for my endless questions????????‍♀️“why me?”, “when will I achieve this?”, “how am I gonna do it?” and more of the same!! with “सबर रख सब होगा”, “तू सब करेगी”, “कर रही है”, “सब बहोत अच्छा होगा!”????

You being soo soo strong, I believe I have got a सेकंड चांस in this लाइफ़ to live again, like literally! (And, I ain’t gonna miss it now)????

???? I adore our स्पिरिचुअल टॉक्स, your prayers for me, your affectionate pats on my head and of course our badminton sessions????

Your support in my decisions and belief in my thoughts gives this स्मॉल टाउन गर्ल immense strength???? I प्रॉमिस to be a better human being with each passing day!????

P.S.: Love you for being my फैशन पुलिस at times (yes, Maa knows better)♥️

The Morning Effect

Everybody has their own pattern for the day; many people find their peace at night hours while some are utterly morning people. During these quarantine days, I was not really having a set pattern for my day until lately when I realized I would want to be or say more specifically I am a morning person.

Mornings are indeed beautiful – Sunrise, the birds’ chirping, bright looking milky clouds travelling around the sky visiting the wonderful environment, fresh windy cool and crispy air, everything around so self-calming and a gentle reminder to self that every new day brings a fresh beginning and good vibes with new possibilities and choices.

Yes!! To start your morning on the right note is extremely important, now more than ever. Having a morning routine allows us to begin on a positive note and it also sets the tone for the rest of the day.

The way you start your each day is a good indication of how the rest of your day will unfold. I have read some of the most successful people in the world have outstanding discipline and they put this down to their morning rituals. Now having said that, adopting the morning routine of a multi-millionaire CEO is not necessarily going to help in making anyone successful.

I believe every single person is unique. Different activities stimulate productivity, passion and wellness in each of us. Identifying the rituals that provide these emotions can enable one to build the perfect personal morning routine.

Don’t have time? Start with waking up just 10 minutes earlier and just one thing to do. I didn’t have a morning routine and didn’t always look to have one either. But, if you are thinking to start from somewhere, Write down your first thought when you wake up, do this again and as soon as you realize your first thought, create your next thought the way you want it. Think of a thought that puts you into a pleasurable state and stay there for at least 10 seconds. In minutes each morning, you will start to realize the small changes that affected your life.

When I am ready for the day everything starts to have a clear perspective and when I am done with my morning routine I feel ready for the day physically, emotionally and spiritually. Do you want to have a good day? A good morning will make for a good day. Starting each day with a fresh mind and happy thoughts help us focus better and increase our productivity.

Don’t forget to grab a pen and your journal for your morning effects questions that facilitates the growth process as you establish goals, achieve emotional stability and connect to your inner self.

Get up and get moving!

3 Best Free Tools for Every Social Media Platform

There are many social media platforms which helps us to connect with the world around and as they say the key to reach people and be active on social media is by sharing and managing effective content. However, Social media tools are equally an important part of social media management that aids in creating, implementing and controlling social media channels more efficiently.

Also, there are so many amazing tools to ease the use of social media. Mostly, if you want the complete package to access the tool, you will have to pay the price. However, 3 best free tools for every social media platform are listed below:

  1. Unsplash

Every social media platform connects by sharing ideas or thoughts through the content and makes it appealing by adding a relevant image to grab the attention of the other person. provides with beautiful and free images that we can easily download and use for any project.

2. All-hashtag

Well, hashtag is the best way to get found by new audience in order to grow your social media channels to the next level. Many people search for a relevant topic using hashtags and get successful results too. provides the user with different and best hashtags for the social media accounts. Hashtag Generator, Hashtag Creator, Hashtag Analytics and Top Hashtags can be found in this tool.

3. Canva

When there is a need to create beautiful designs and images to share on the social media platforms with just few clicks provides the user with the eye-catching professional templates and allows to customize and design anything to publish anywhere. With the simple drag and drop editor we can create the design of our choice or can even find one by browsing through the category.

All the tools listed above can be used for every social media platform to gain the desired results at the cost of nothing but just simple ideas. Better use of these tools indeed helps to boost the social media performance at regular intervals.

Take A Break!

Yes, it’s true that every day starts out as a blank canvas, but what happens when you don’t have a plan, a job, any clarity about tomorrow, any assurance or affirmations and guarantees or if you don’t love what you are doing. What can be done? Probably, take a break!

Well sometimes, staying home, wandering and wondering, what to do? Works!

Break is important. Age doesn’t really matter here. You will have to research a bit. There are a lot of alternatives to every thought in your mind. Whatever you want to do research is important and then practice with all the patience. Don’t hurry, wait a bit and give yourself a break, then go.

While always being in the rush of the day – Up bright and early ready to go put some miles underneath the feet, we don’t realize that taking a break is essential, to breathe a little more, to stop the rush, to calm down and rest, to take a step back, to think and make a little point.

Many a times in the endless demands of normal life, when we are unable to get insights or have a conclusion about the directions in our life, its okay to sleep a little more, watch TV, rest more, cry it out a few times, just take a break – take time to regenerate. Sometimes that’s exactly what is needed.

Don’t forget to just look at you – surviving, growing, being better than you ever thought you would be and If you are someone, who seems to need a permission slip to give yourself a break, maybe this is it. Take the opportunity to take a deep breath and listen to what you need. Do your best to step away from the critical voice telling you that you aren’t enough. Take a guilt free break. 

Putting yourself first isn’t selfish, it’s necessary. You don’t have to always have it together or get anything done. You are allowed to take breaks and make mistakes. We are all simply humans. Give yourself the grace and space to be human. Everybody deserves peace, after all it helps in discovering who you really are.

Trust the intuition, belong everywhere and nowhere and be just fine in the world. Do more of what makes you happy! It’s a different glow, when you are happy, stress free and focused.

10 Useful Websites You Should Know

In the era of information and technology, where it is claimed that “data is everything and everything is data” we are able to find anything, anywhere, anytime. There is always something new and advance we might miss to know! Well, it won’t be any different if I say the say about websites.

We all know there are numerous amazing websites and by every passing day there is an addition to the number. It is difficult to know each and every one of them. I have mentioned some of the useful websites in the list below.

  1. 1.
  1. 2.

I know every website I have mentioned above is interesting 😉 Did you use and find them interesting too? If you have been using any new and useful website in particular, do share:)