When I count my blessings, I count you twice. A million magic wishes on your special day for being soo nice????
Your just one look ???? saying “स्मिता” is enough to make me act on the spur of the moment????
Thank you for being soo patient and understanding while constantly consoling me for my endless questions????????♀️“why me?”, “when will I achieve this?”, “how am I gonna do it?” and more of the same!! with “सबर रख सब होगा”, “तू सब करेगी”, “कर रही है”, “सब बहोत अच्छा होगा!”????
You being soo soo strong, I believe I have got a सेकंड चांस in this लाइफ़ to live again, like literally! (And, I ain’t gonna miss it now)????
???? I adore our स्पिरिचुअल टॉक्स, your prayers for me, your affectionate pats on my head and of course our badminton sessions????
Your support in my decisions and belief in my thoughts gives this स्मॉल टाउन गर्ल immense strength???? I प्रॉमिस to be a better human being with each passing day!????
P.S.: Love you for being my फैशन पुलिस at times (yes, Maa knows better)♥️